Thursday, March 22, 2018

Q factor final Math

The Q, quality factor, of a resonant circuit is a measure of the “goodness” or quality of a resonant circuit.
        Q = Pstored/Pdissipated = I2X/I2R
        Q = X/R
        where:         X = Capacitive or Inductive reactance at resonance
                       R = Series resistance.

A high Q resonant circuit has a narrow bandwidth as compared to a low Q

   BW = fc/Q
        Where fc = resonant frequency 
        Q = quality factor 


Bandwidth, Δf is measured between the 70.7% amplitude points of series resonant circuit.
        BW = Δf = fh-fl = fc/Q
        Where: fh = high band edge fl = low band edge
        fl = fc - Δf/2
        fh = fc + Δf/2
        Where fc = center frequency (resonant frequency) 

In Figure above, the 100% current point is 50 mA. The 70.7% level is .707(50 mA)=35.4 mA. The upper and lower band edges read from the curve are 291 Hz for fl and 355 Hz for fh. The bandwidth is 64 Hz, and the half power points are ± 32 Hz of the center resonant frequency:
        BW = Δf = fh-fl = 355-291 = 64
        fl = fc - Δf/2 = 323-32 = 291
        fh = fc + Δf/2 = 323+32 = 355
Since BW = fc/Q:
        Q = fc/BW = (323 Hz)/(64 Hz) = 5

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